Years worked with Morrissey: 1988 - 1992
Name: Stephen Street
Instruments: keyboards, guitar, bass guitar
Previous Band: Produced Smiths Albums
Amount Of Time With Moz: 4 years
Songs written with Moz:
Alsatian Cousin
Little Man, What Now?
Everyday Is Like Sunday
Bengali in Platforms
Angel, Angel, Down We Go Together
Late Night, Maudlin Street
Break Up the Family
The Ordinary Boys
I Don't Mind if You Forget Me
Margaret on the Guillotine
Piccadilly Palare
Interesting Drug
Will Never Marry
The Last of the Famous International Playboys
Ouija Board, Ouija Board
He never played live with Morrissey but he did produce both Viva Hate and Bona Drag. He also produced Meat is Murder"
And "The Queen is Dead" and "Strangeways Here We Come"